Be sure that you complete the level one readings before starting on these books. Complete this level before moving on to the next level.
Bible Knowledge
- READ YOUR BIBLE or read another accurate version of the Bible.
- Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah | Alfred Edershiem
- The Practice of Godliness | Jerry Bridges
- Unity of Marriage | Wayne Mack
Devotional Bible Study
- Four Gospels | G. Campbell Morgan or J.C. Ryle
- Romans | Donald Barnhouse or James Boice
- Romans | Alva J. McClain
- Hebrews | Arthur Pink, Adolph Saphir, or W.H. Griffith Thomas
- Revelation | Herman Hoyt
Evangelism and Prayer
- Read 2 missionary biographies from different parts of the world.
- Read the George Muller biography.
Doctrinal Studies
- Systematic Theology | Lewis Sperry Chafer
- Greatness of the Kingdom | Alva J. McClain