This is the final level of the Christian Home Study Course but that doesn’t mean you should stop reading your Bible or exploring the many great books available on the subjects we covered and more; you could explore Church History, Biblical Archeology or even Creation Science.
Be sure that you complete the level two readings before starting on these books.
Bible Knowledge
- READ YOUR BIBLE or read a study Bible version of your favorite translation.
- Use “Ten Questions” by Wilber Smith.
- Read a book on Hermeneutics such as Basic Bible Interpretation by Roy Zuck.
- The Life and Epistles of Paul | Coneybeare & Howson or New Testament Survey | Merrill Tenney
- Spiritual Leadership | J. Oswald Saunders
- Read the biography of Robert Chapman.
Devotional Bible Study
- Romans | William R. Newell
- Romans | W.H. Griffith Thomas
- Acts | G. Campbell Morgan
- Incomparable Christ | Oswald Saunders
Evangelism and Prayer
- Read two missionary biographies from different parts of the world.
- The Valley of Vision | Arthur Bennett
- Far From Rome, Near to God |
Doctrinal Studies
- The Pleasures of God | John Piper
- The Mystery of Providence | John Flavel
- The Ten Commandments | Thomas Watson
- The End Times | Herman Hoyt