This home study course is designed to give you a well rounded education in areas that include Bible knowledge, Theology and Christian Doctrine. It will also introduce you to some of the best Christian authors and other notable Christians from all periods of our faith.
Please complete all the readings of this level before moving on to the next level.
Bible Knowledge
- READ YOUR BIBLE – this is very often overlooked and should be the first place you begin your education. If you don’t have a chain reference study Bible, you might consider obtaining one such as The Scofield Reference Bible or The Thompson Chain Reference Bible.
- Read a Bible Survey book | James M. Gray, William Scroggie or William Hendricksen.
- Disciplines of a Godly Man or Disciplines of a Godly Woman | Hughes
- Pilgrim’s Progress | John Bunyan
- Read 2 unrelated Christian biographies or autobiographies.
Devotional Bible Study
- The Gospel of John | Arthur Pink
- Selections from the Pentateuch | C.H. Macintosh, Warren Wiersbe, or Matthew Henry.
Evangelism and Prayer
- True Evangelism | Lewis Sperry Chafer
- Power Through Prayer | E.M. Bounds
- All of Grace | Charles Hadden Spurgeon
Doctrinal Studies
- Major Bible Themes | Lewis Sperry Chafer
- Attributes of God | Arthur Pink
- There Really is a Difference | Renald Showers
- Knowledge of the Holy | A.W. Tozer